Dita Learning / Learn

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Dita Learning / Learn

Built with , code, and a little bit of gaming


An absence is any class that you miss for a situation not officially excused or allowed by the university.

Example: sick without a doctors note.




A tardy is when you are more than 20 minutes missing from class or do not have what is due on that day of class.

A tardy counts as 1/2 of an absence.


# Grade Effect Example
1 none

A -> A

2 none

A -> A

3 -10%

A -> B

4 -20%

A -> C

5 -30%

A -> D

6 fail

A -> F



You're here to see what design is, but you're not sure about it yet. Maybe this class is required, or you're taking it as an elective. Either way you just want to chill and have fun.

  • Requirements: dark blue
  • Highest grade earnable: B


You want to know what it really means to be a designer, regardless of major, because you want to be really good at it. You want to have fun, but you also want to make amazing work.

  • Requirements: dark blue
  • Requirements: light blue
  • Expanded feedback in class and on projects
  • Highest grade earnable: A
Check it out: Options are your choice, and I will never choose one for you. You may change options on the first and before the second class day of any project.

Be Informed

Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it.

Edmund Burke (1729-1797)

Your ideas don't just pop up like magical pixies, i.e. everything builds on what comes before it. To be able to do new and fresh work, you need to be aware of what others are doing, and that means visual research. Go, look, find, and save all inspirational and influential art, design, and other ideas.


real fresh designs



r & d


  • Required for all options
  • One great visual inspiration per class
  • Present at the beginning of each class
  • Conceptually connected to project
  • Work by professionals (not you or your friends)
Before you go: RFDs count as your daily class credit.

Help Your Clients

I'm going to need you to make that logo bigger and use comic sans.


Clients don't always understand your design choices, so we use a process book to translate. A process book is a collection of thoughts, notes, designs, sketches, plans, process shots, and options that relate to a project. It is a visual map of how you took the design from nothing to something, and at its core it should be informative.

we use recipes


to figure out how it's made



while you design


make a visual recipe


  • Required for designers only
  • Visuals + notes on process
  • Sketches, tests, mock-ups, and screenshots
  • 20+ sketches per week (unless otherwise noted)
  • 5+ screenshots of process per week (on-going)
  • 1 sentence explanation typed into each screenshot
Before you go: Process books must be digital, and be shared through Dropbox.

That New New

Each project has a simple list of pass-or-fail requirements, i.e. they are not subjective. Requirements are used to give you an environment within which you can demonstrate understanding of the project and concepts while still experimenting creatively.







  • Each project has requirements
  • Requirements can only be done if you have a basic understanding of that project's concepts
  • Fulfilling all requirements is worth 50% of a project's grade
  • Each missed requirement will subtract 10% from a project's grade

The New Map

Grade %
A 90 - 100
B 75 - 89
C 40 - 74
D 20 - 39
F 0 - 19
Step 1


Pass or fail and worth:


Check it out: Life happens, so you get 1 chance per class to resubmit a project.
Before you go: digital projects must be turned in through a shared Dropbox folder.
Step 2


Compare project to rubrick to generate score:

Concept Score %
Clear & Legible 20 10
Grid & Efficiency 20 10
Color & Value 20 10
Relevant & Fresh 20 10
Problem Addressed 10 5
Presentation 10 5
Total 100 50
Step 3


Combine scores using a simple equation:

requirements (50%)


rubrick (50%)


total (100%)

Hold up! If you want to use anything that you did not create yourself, come talk to me first and always cite your sources!

Honest and Open

Plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty are counterproductive to the objectives of higher education. I support the imposition of penalties on students who engage in academic dishonesty, as defined in the University Student Handbook.

Students are responsible for learning the content of any course of study in which they are enrolled. Under Board of Regents and University policy, student academic performance shall be evaluated solely on an academic basis and students should be free to take reasoned exception to the data or views offered in any course of study. Students who believe that an academic evaluation is unrelated to academic standards but is related instead to judgment of their personal opinion or conduct should contact the dean of the college which offers the class to initiate a review of the evaluation.


At my discretion, a student caught engaging in any form of academic dishonesty may be:

  • Given no credit for that assignment.
  • Allowed to rewrite and resubmit the assignment for credit.
  • Assigned a reduced grade for the course.
  • Dropped from the course.
  • Failed in the course.

Equal Opportunity

Disability Services provide support to ensure that students are able to access and participate in all of the activities, programs and services.


Disability Services will provide reasonable and appropriate accommodations to allow equal access. However, this does not include making substantial modifications to academic requirements or to make modifications that would fundamentally alter the nature of the service, program or activity.


Something wrong?


didn't help?


2. Dept. Chair

meeting with you, me, and the dept. chair


didn't help?


3. Appeals Form

submit official academic appeals form


Pick a class so we can get started!